
When will the middle child stop finding humor in urinating on his brother?

I mean, when? Ok. So once upon a time, it may have been a little funny. But only a little. When he was potty training, it looked a little creative — a little forward-thinking. Then there was the time in the back-yard. And the time at the ball park. You get the picture. Even the neighbors have heard us yell, “stop peeing on your brother!!” –which I didn’t realize until a very awkward conversation.

I keep hoping we are way past that. We got into the car yesterday to leave the sitter’s house when the eldest proclaimed he just had to pee! The lazy and tired mother in me told him to jump out of the car and pee in the yard. I know. Don’t judge. I’m a teacher. And it’s almost December. And I am tired. To be completely honest, I didn’t want to spend the next 90 seconds it took to get home listening to him complain about said problem. The middle child immediately professed his urgency to urinate, and I sent him to follow his brother.

Shortly, the older of the two came rushing back to the car to tell me that his brother had peed on his shoes……and a little on his pants. I sat for a second. And in all honesty tried to weigh out whether it was worth the energy to discipline the middle child. The middle boy came running to the car to explain himself. He knows we disapprove, but this is obviously not enough to deter his bad behavior. He gave me a huge story (of which I shall spare you) about the timing and his pants, and his stream, blah blah blah. Truth is, he finds it absolutely hysterical to pee on his brother when he least expects it.

Growing up in a family of girls means I understand not one single thing about this. Nothing. I don’t think it’s funny to scare people. Or pee on people. Or take things from people who are innocently playing. Everything about the male interaction is so foreign to me.

At what point will peeing on one another stop? Will it ever? Or will this aggressive form of interaction continue on forever and ever? Moms of multiple boys—this question is for you. Am I plagued to live a life of urination and poor choices? Or is there a magic number where they will learn to act like real people? I love my boys. And I love my husband. But boys, are not civilized people. They just aren’t. And for a mom who was raised with sisters and a dad who was super sensitive to his three girls, I’m lost, in way too deep.


Utterly confused Mom of two boys

❤️ much love and Shalom

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